Team Nagi Coaching Newsletter – Nov 2021
Hi Guys,
November officially marked the end of the triathlon racing season for our athletes and what a crazy year it’s been. Many have had a topsy-turvy year with some real highs, lows and everything in between. But the big win for me is that we actually saw a full racing season and this is something we should be eternally grateful for. Huge congrats to all of you out there for riding the triathlon roller coaster that has been 2021. Now the feet have been firmly planted again we can now look to build on this and gain some great momentum in 2022.
What I have been hugely impressed with is the focus of many of our athletes who have come back into training. It’s quite clear that the messages I’ve put out there have been listened to. Many have focussed on strength development during this phase through a range of activities from gym based work, yoga, Pilates and even Gyrotonics has made an appearance! In fact I have one athlete who has been so taken with it she is now doing 2 sessions with an instructor.
“In short this is a bit like rebooting your body to factory settings. I’ve greatly improved my range of motion. The stretching and strengthening exercises also re-energise. My lower back is freer and more flexible indeed my whole body now feels more relaxed making movement more fluid. It’s early days but I’m loving my sessions”
For those that read my last newsletter you will know that Tom Daley said this form of exercise almost saved his career and dramatically helped reduce the number of injuries he was getting to help him win gold in Tokyo.
Another one of my younger athletes (who shall remain nameless) even sent me this message below which was quite refreshing to read:
“How to not get injured 2022”
1: Supplements/vitamins – go see specialist? Check iron regularly (every 2 months)
2: Eat straight after sessions (right stuff) eg rego
3: Only 2 evening plans per week max
4: Have one of Friday/Saturday night free every week (no social)
5: One rest day every 2 weeks
6: Sports massage every 2 weeks
7: Yoga 3 times a week
8: Pilates/core once a week
9: Warm up before any runs
10: Get up and stretch/stand twice a day @work
11: 10 min stretch/foam roll a day
12: Proper gait analysis for running to ensure most supportive footwear
13: Any niggle swap out and do a swim
14: Build up slowly
15: Remember you have 8 months to get ready for IM
All really simple actions that can be taken but clearly demonstrating someone who has a high performance mindset. These are the things that the very best will do day in a day out and is something we can all aspire too. What I also love about this is the focus is not on training harder or longer, it’s about doing the things that will help support that kind of training when the time is right for it.
It’s all about quality over quantity in this phase with a good helping of fun thrown in for good measure. I once had the opportunity to speak with Jan Frodeno’s Coach Dan Lorang regarding Jan’s yearly prep for the Ironman World Champs in Hawaii. He said to me “Early season is all about trying to create a bombproof body that can help absorb the training load we will be applying later in the year. Create strong foundations now and the benefits will be huge later on in the season”.
What will you be doing to create the strongest most robust bombproof body in 2022?
I’ve also been asked the question as to how athletes should approach training during the busy Christmas period. The answers are here in this article I wrote below a few years ago This will give you some good ideas and most importantly how to get your mindset right:
Team race news
Ironman South Africa
- Steve Phillips
- Splits: 14:22 swim (shortened swim) / 5:44:58 bike/ 3:38:38 run
- Total Time: 9:45:26
- 45-49 category
- Next up: Rest time
A tough end to an incredibly challenging season for Steve. To say the odds were stacked against him would be an understatement. But time and time again he showed tremendous guts and determination to keep putting one foot in front of the other. All things consisted some excellent race results when all this is factored in. With a bit more lady luck next year we’ll really start to see what he is capable of. Now get some much deserved rest duracell bunny!
Meta Sprint tri (15km watt bike/ 750m sea swim/ 5km run!)
- Vicki Hill
- Splits: 29:49 bike / 14:53 swim / 21:32 run
- Total Time: 1:06:14
- 1st in 45-49 category/ 7th Female overall
- Next up: Back on the starting grid for Ironman in 2022!
So good to this girl racing again after so long due to travel very strict covid restrictions in Singapore. And what a first race it proved to be! A sweltering beach watt bike (yes you read that correctly) followed by a sea swim (try that after a watt bike!) followed by a 5km run. Class always shines through though and she managed to take the win on her first outing back in over 2 years. Onwards and upwards from here.
British AG Swimming Championships
- Bridget Trefgarne
- 200m backstroke
- Total Time: 2:48
- 2nd 55-59 category
Massive congrats to our backstroke Queen for taking a brilliant silver in the 200m at the British Swimming Championships. No surprises here though when you get to see one of the best backstrokes out there on a weekly basis.
Just wanted to give a big shout out to my physio Nathan Carter who has recently opened his brand new physio studio on the Chiswick High Road. Nathan and his team have done a wonderful job keeping my athletes fit and healthy over the years so it’s great to see his business growing and branching into new areas. The studio now has everything under one roof, this includes yoga & Pilates classes, Women’s health and a gym for strength & conditioning.
Also if anyone is looking for an outstanding strength & conditioning coach, then I can highly recommend Jack Healy who is there 3 days a week.
Book of the month
This is one hell of a story and then some! Probably the greatest endurance challenge I’ve ever seen anyone attempt. I’ve always been in total awe of the athletes who run just once across America. Rob Pope did it 5 times to match the 15249 miles Forrest Gump ran in the film. But what was so beautiful about the book is the wit, charm and humour the book is written with. This is just a man pursuing his dream and doing it for all the right reasons.
Rob lost him Mum to cancer and one of the last things she said to him was “do one thing in your life that really makes difference”. I can honestly think of no greater way to homage to a woman he clearly loved so deeply.
(Definitely worthwhile listening to it on Audible to get his terrific scouse accent & sharp wit coming through)
Podcast of the month – Dan Carter
The High Performance Podcast with All Blacks legend Dan Carter
One of my favourite rugby players of all time, this guy had it all. In the podcast he talks brilliantly about how he developed a high performance mindset to be able to become one of the worlds best within one of the greatest rugby teams of all time. So many golden nuggets in here for athletes of any sport.
Film of the month
Lioness: The Nicola Adams Story
“She’s a woman, she’s black, she’s a boxer & she’s gay”. Clare Balding.
The chips were clearly not stacked in her favour but this is one woman who more than rose to the challenge. This is the fascinating yet deeply tragic story of Britain’s greatest ever female boxers. Still the only woman to have won every title there is to win in boxing at both amateur and professional level.
Behind that wonderful smile there is a story that will shock many, it’s heart breaking in many ways because the smile really is a mask that hides so much trouble in her life. But what is so inspiring is the courage and determination she has shown time and time again to overcome massive odds and keep moving forwards.
Instagram post of the month
Team out & About
Awesome to see this girl +1 back out there racing again …nice work mate
“I’m off cycling to Melton Mowbray” he says…wonder why?
Post shoulder op set up…no problem for this woman of Iron!
I wont name him but i’ll shame him for turning up to swim squad looking like one of the beach boys
Not a bad office for the day
Awesome to see bruiser Max Loughnan hitting the pool (quite literally) already. A few more visits & I’ll start sending some swim sets